Empower Yourself.
Unlock Your Inner Intelligence.
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😤 Being annoyed that your needs, wants and desires are the last thing anyone considers
😤 Dealing with the seemingly never-ending stream of crises, disasters and back luck
😤 Feeling like you can’t do anything right and that no one has your back
😌 Being empowered and realizing that you and your needs, wants and desires are just as important as everyone elses
😌 Recognizing that you have the control over what you allow into your life and how you respond to what is going on
😌 Realizing that you are your own biggest supporter, loudest cheerleader and that you have your own back
As a Spiritual Intelligence Alchemist, I help others just like you learn how to quiet down the external noise, BS and chaos that is constantly swirling around you and turn in to your own Inner Intelligence allowing you to be your own safe harbour.
I’m a highly intuitive and incredibly nurturing individual, as well as a certified energy healer and a Mind-Body-Spirit practitioner. One of my superpowers is being able to break down complex concepts into fun and relatable ways, allowing the whole body (mind, body, spirit) to understand and integrate them.
I spent 25+ years in the corporate sector, before I finally drilled down to the core of who I am and followed my own Inner Intelligence.
I live with my wonderful hubby and fur-baby in a condo in the sky in downtown Ottawa and you will often find me out at the local venues listening to live music and socializing with my friends and family.