When you suddenly realize that you HAVE been manifesting….

We all want to learn the magick of manifesting. What if I told you that we all already do it without even realizing it? It’s when we get conscious of doing it and set the intention and energy behind it that we can begin to live the life we want to live.

Freeing myself from my “old comfortable blanket”

We love being comfortable. Not many of us like the idea of being uncomfortable, even if it’s in the uncomfortable that growth, healing and the unexpected happens. This is my story about my old comfortable blanket that I love and adore, even as I’ve put it away and no longer wrap myself up in it like I used to.

The stories we tell ourselves

We all tell ourselves stories, and we often don’t even realize we’re doing it. We often do this to justify something we’re feeling or doing, or we’ll do this when we are trying to explain something to ourselves that doesn’t quite make sense. BUT, what if you were aware of your stories and chose which ones to follow and which ones to discard?

My journey into the darkness, and through the darkness into light

Have you experienced your dark night of the soul? Or have you gone through a spiritual awakening? I have. And it was a powerful reminder that we get to choose how we want to live our lives in alignment with the Universe. It was also an excellent reminder that there are often times we do not listen to what is best for ourselves.