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Find Your Inner Balance.

Reconnect with Your Inner Intelligence.

I.I. (Inner Intelligence) Diagnosis Session

Who is it for?

You find yourself saying:

😫 “I need a break!”

😫 “Why can’t I figure this out!?”

😫 “Get me off this Merry-Go-Round! 🎠”

And maybe you’re feeling:

😫 off course and out of alignment

😫 like you can’t get out of your own way (This has been my biggest one! 🙃)

If you can relate, know that you’re not alone.

EVERYONE experiences this. I’ve felt all of these and more many times throughout my life!

These nudges are your soul’s way of trying to get your attention to help you realize what areas of your life are out of balance.

What you get out of the session?

⚖️ Clarity on which areas are out of balance

🔊 Turning down the external noise, BS and chaos

😌 Turning up your Inner Intelligence to gain:

💕 Calm rather than overwhelm

💕 Living life more in the flow (less need for control)

💕 Knowing yourself at a deeper level

💕 Tangible, practical, actionable steps to move forward

💕 Enhanced life balance

Let me help you figure out what needs re-balancing together.

Let’s turn down the external noise, BS, and chaos and turn up and tune in to your Inner Intelligence!

What is Inner Intelligence?

Inner Intelligence is the remembrance of who you are at your core. It happens as you drill down into the heart of who you are while releasing, removing, and unlearning the learned patterns, beliefs, rules, and expectations that no longer serve your highest good.

$245 for a 60 minute one-on-one session

What’s included:

🗣️ 60 minute one-on-one session fully tailored to your needs

🎞️ Recording of the call to keep forever

💕 Tangible, practical, actionable steps to help you continue to move forward even after the session

⚖️ Tips to help you see things from a different perspective as you continue on your journey

📖 I.I. Audit C.I.R.C.L.E. Workbook

The I.I. Audit C.I.R.C.L.E. Realms

🌪️ Spirals of Schtuff

🚧 Field of Want Nots

⚡ Power Portal

📖 My Story, My Way

🪞 Lake of Mirrors

🧩 Land of Pieces of You

🧘 Island of Self-Care

🧭 True North

💫 Zone of Co-Creation

C.I.R.C.L.E. → Clarifying Inner Reality: Co-creating Life Experiences. This is part of The C.I.R.C.L.E. Method Program.

I'm Ready to Find My Inner Balance

One-time Investment



Hi! I’m Tami Goulet.

As a Spiritual Intelligence Alchemist, I help others just like you learn how to quiet down the external noise, BS and chaos that is constantly swirling around you and turn in to your own Inner Intelligence allowing you to be your own safe harbour.

I’m a highly intuitive and incredibly nurturing individual, as well as a certified energy healer and a Mind-Body-Spirit practitioner. One of my superpowers is being able to break down complex concepts into fun and relatable ways, allowing the whole body (mind, body, spirit) to understand and integrate them.

I spent 25+ years in the corporate sector, before I finally drilled down to the core of who I am and followed my own Inner Intelligence.

I live with my wonderful hubby and fur-baby in a condo in the sky in downtown Ottawa and you will often find me out at the local venues listening to live music and socializing with my friends and family.

I can’t wait to help you re-balance your life!

Woman, Tami Goulet, dressed in a purple sleeveless dress with a purple, blue and pink scarf drapped around her neck, holding her necklace in one hand and leaning against a wall.